Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
820 W. Oak Street, Rogers, Arkansas 72756
(479) 636-4042
Loving Christ in ALL People
Outreach "Outreach at St. Andrews is based in our mission to "Love Christ in ALL People".

Food Pantry

Back Pack Program
Our Weekly Food Pantry is a loving opportunity for the Parish to give of ourselves to the community. The Food Pantry gives food, clothing, and household items. The pantry is open Tuesdays from 9:00 am -11:00 am. If you have questions, please contact the Church Office at (479) 636-4042.
In 2023, we provided food for 1176 families and 4205 individuals.
Our Food Pantry is a participant in the USDA federal program to distribute food to program participants. To read the New USDA "Civil Rights Disclaimer" please see the "News/Announcement Page.
The Backpack Program provides weekend snacks and food items to students at Elmwood Middle School in Rogers so that students with food insecurities have something to satisfy their needs.
Last year, St. Andrew's provided 870 Backpacks to Elmwood Middle School.
This vital program is supported by an annual fundraiser.
For more information, please call the Church Office at:
(479) 636-4042.

Community Use of Building

Community Outreach
Our facilities are open for use by outside non-profits and private parties. Currently St. Andrew's hosts Alcoholics Anonymous for their group meetings. We also host a Dream Group and meetings for our Hispanic Community. Please contact the Church Office at (479) 636-4042 for availability to hold your group function here.

Community Garden

St. Andrew's, like our patron saint, is a community of fishermen of people. We fish for those looking to encounter the risen Christ.
On Sunday afternoon, we host a Sunday Spanish Language worship Service at 3:30 pm.
Look for us at a community event near you!

Our Community Garden has added more garden boxes. The Sunday School children participate in planting vegetables in the garden. Vegetables we have planted are okra, peppers, squash, and tomatoes. Zinnias were a great addition to the garden and were often used in the altar flower arrangements. We look forward to planting. The Community Garden was started by Deacon David Myers who passed away in December of 2024.